Category: Don’t know

Turn existing folder into git repository

First of all let me write about initial conditions:

  • I have folder on my computer’s disk with code
  • I have a new empty repository on github

Our great plan consists of following points:

  1. Navigate to project folder:
    • $ cd /path/to/project
  2. Add files to the repository:
    • $ git init
    • $ git add . (don’t forget about point sign)
    • $ git commit -m “first commit”
  3. After we have to connect to our remote repository:
    • $ git remote add origin
  4. Push files on remote server and create new branch “master” on our new github repository
    • $ git push -u origin master
  5. Last thing, type the following command:
    • $ git push

Now all your files in github repository, congratulations!
If you want to check current state type
$ git status – it shows active branch, and other useful information.
$ git branch – shows all available branches


Таймер Табата

Весна 2020. В мире пандемия короновируса, который вызвал кризис, последствия которого никто предсказать не может.

На данный момент жители многих стран вынуждены сидеть дома на карантине / в самоизоляции. Закрыты многие кафе, спортзалы, другие общественные места.

В принципе, в самоизоляции можно найти плюсы. Я например, решил, что не хочу терять физическую форму, находясь дома, поэтому занимаюсь табатой – интенсивными интервальными тренировками.

Более того, я смог с помощью этих тренировок сбросить около 5ти килограмм.

На волне такого успеха (а для меня это успех) я решил написать свой табата-таймер.
В планах:
1. добавить английский язык
2. сохранение тренировок (последовательность упражнений)
3. галерея упражнений
4. мобильное приложение (ууух!)

Сейчас же таймер может быть запущен сразу на один круг, либо можно настроить под свою индивидуальную тренировку

Possible errors with SCRoulette

Few days ago I noticed in statistics of SCRoulette strange URLs, like http://blabla/?err=_err … stuff like that. Obviously, it means that somebody faced with some errors on website. Yes, errors, but why did they appear?

I think, that the only cause of error like that, is the SoundCloud mobile application. And it may appear, when somebody tries to log in using the mobile application. Concrete moment – when browser asks what application do you want to choose to log in:

Choose the application. Android

So, if you whant to log in with mobile app, it seems to me that you’ll not succeed, unfortunatly. Use browser.

P.S. I don’t know how it works with iPhone.

P.P.S. If you found some errors, or you have some ideas about scrouleete, feel free to comment here, on YouTube, Twitter (use #scroulette tag)

Why you should try the SCRoulette

It’s a good question, isn’t it?

First of all, what is SCRoulette? I tried to describe it, also with including of the tutorial, here… But, it’s boring.

So, SCRoulette is a free tool to promote your music within SoundCloud service. The basic actions that are expeced from users:

  1. Log in with SoundCloud
  2. Add your own songs
  3. Listen to other music
  4. Optional – give good comments to music you loved

Basically, main idea is to listen to music and allow other musicians listen to your songs.

You may say “…man, SoundCloud has a search tool, new Discover feature and so on…” Yes , you are right, but, for example, my songs are not appear in the search, and your songs are not appear there so often too, I think =) So, with scroulette I hope to build self moderated community and now I can say, that practically every song in scroulette may be heard by somebody.

But we need more people XD

And yes, it’s free (as I said it onse, just in case =) ), but scroulette does not give you promises to increase the number of followers in 10 times in one second – only when other people really liked your music. I think it’s honest.

Enjoy! _______________b( O_o )d

Adobe Flash and Chrome and SoundCloud

Early in the morning I opened Chrome to see how good or bad is my scroulette app. In Chrome music doesn’t play, wtf…

Dev console and the network tab showed me that browser trying to load some flashSound.swf stuff. Ok, Google…

This link , and this link , and this answer:

After investigation it seems to be related to issues with the flash player. Proof is that if you go here chrome://plugins/ and disactivate the flash player it will work again in Chrome. But obviously when developing a site you don’t want the site to work just for you.

Soundcloud Api seems to use soundmanager2 as a base to handle audio stream that itself have 2 modes flash and html5. The issue is that if the flash player is avaible it will try to use it and fail while if it’s not available it will just use html5 and work right away.

So, according to this comment I decided to know what’s going on with Adobe Flash. Yes, it was turned on and then I turned it off. Now scroulette works.